My new book reveals God’s Design Diet,
How to transform your health and change your life, starting today!

Coming May 2023

Are you feeling sluggish? Tired? Sleeping well?

86% of all Americans are suffering from metabolic syndrome. Type 2 diabetes is growing at an alarming rate. Childhood obesity is on the rise; and metabolic disease, one never seen in children, is rising at an alarming rate. Metabolic syndromes leading cause is led by eating the standard American diet, supported by “Big Food”. It’s no longer “you are what you eat”, it’s you sick and dying because of what you eat. I am an expert specializing in reversing insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome. I will teach you to eat the proper foods and make smart lifestyle decisions to truly change your life. Come with me and learn about the diet that God created and designed.

Marty Rauchwerger – Certified Nutritionist – Certified Primal Health Coach

Take charge of your health!

I can help you design the life you want.

Genesis 6:3 

The Lord said, “My Spirit will not remain with man forever, because he is also flesh; nevertheless, his days shall be 120 years.”

God did not design our bodies/Health to decline as rapidly as we see today. “Big Food” and “Big Pharma” are to blame. But we can change that!

90 Day Group Challenge -$499.00

13 weeks of 1 hour group Zoom Meetings                               90 Daily Modules: Step-by-Step                               Daily Support

Marty walks you through the Primal Health                           MyCoach Mobile Application provides                    24 x 7 chat thru mobile app

Method, step-by-step, so that can begin your                         Daily bite size instructions on food choices,            Group Messaging

Health journey and start seeing immediate results.                education, and exercises for every level                  Keto-carnivore Recipes

Learn the key fundamentals of a Keto-Carnivore diet.

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90 Day 1 on 1 Health Coaching -$1199.00

13 weeks of 1 on 1 personal coaching .                                    90 Daily Modules: Step-by-Step                                    Daily Support

  Marty walks you through the Primal Health                           MyCoach Mobile Application provides                    24 x 7 chat thru mobile app

Method, step-by-step, so that can begin your                         Daily bite size instructions on food choices,            Group Messaging

Health journey and start seeing immediate results.                education, and exercises for every level                  Keto-carnivore Recipes

13 weeks of 1 on 1 1-hour zoom meetings. Food

Journaling, custom personal lifestyle plan.

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21 Day Fat Loss Challenge -$199.00

3 weeks of 1 hour group Zoom Meetings                                   21 Daily Modules: Step-by-Step                                 Daily Support


  Marty walks you through the Primal Health                           MyCoach Mobile Application provides                    24 x 7 chat thru mobile app

Method, step-by-step, so that can begin your                         Daily bite size instructions on food choices,            Group Messaging

Health journey and start seeing immediate results.                education, and exercises for every level                  Keto-carnivore Recipes

Learn the key fundamentals of a Keto-Carnivore diet.   

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Primal Heath Coach
