September 2023 News

Well, we are finally getting our feet under us after Freddie’s passing. You never know how much you rely on someone until they’re are no longer there to do it. We are taking care of everything and are also having to clean up all the “Stuff” he collected. He could fix anything and always had what we needed. Now we realize that he kept EVERYTHING. We are filling the dumpster weekly and even had to get another dumpster brought in. We are making progress but its slow. We may have to have a yard sale in the near future.

It’s been so hot this summer and the grass is brown again, just like last summer. We will be getting our hay very soon and may have to start feeding the cows. We still have a little grass but unless we get some good rains soon, we will be out of grass in October. Pray that we get the rains needed!

The puppies are getting big and are ready to be spayed. I am waiting for the weather to cool down a bit before I do that. They are getting good at their job protecting the animals. We still call them the terrorists because they come over to us a few hours before dinner time and are so rambunctious. They are still chewing things up but it’s getting better.

We had to put down one of our horses. He foundered a few years ago and I tried everything to sooth his pain. Our ferrier helped with trims and an old-school trick. That helped him for a while but the vet had told me the prognosis was very bad. I was being selfish and didn’t want to put him down but you could tell that he was in so much pain that I had no choice. Rest in peace Mr. Moose.

I appreciate each and every one of you for helping us by buying local. You make it possible for us to continue to do what we do and you are part of our story.

Thank you!


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